Friday, May 15, 2015

Travel Loans for Military Wives

military wives, military travel, united military travel, travel loans

This is my favorite time of year, it is perfect for a girls weekend getaway.  One of my favorite things in life is strolling around picturesque downtowns with cobblestone sidewalks that are filled with fun, funky boutiques, and delicious restaurants.  

Problem is though, getting my husband to do that with me is like pulling teeth.  Soooo, it has become part of a girls weekend.  Each year me and my closest girlfriends take a trip together, and we try to pick a different destination, but I have to say Charleston, SC is such an easy one to go back to year after year!  

When we are brainstorming locations, here is what our criteria is:

1. Walkable 2. Coastal 3. Unique shopping 4. Travel time 5. Gyms close by Food

What would you want in a town?  Are you a big city girl or small town gal?  

If this is something you are interested in, I would love to help you plan your trip!   Here are our tips that have proven to be helpful in planning the getaways over the years!  

1.  Start planning ahead.  I know, I know...planning sucks.  But when you have to coordinate multiple lives that need to agree on a number of things - planning will be your best friend.  BUT, always remember that over planning could be your ultimate down fall.  Sometimes, it is necessary to just let go and wing it.  Thats my thing......I am the winger....not the planner :) 

2.  Talk to each other and find out what each girl wants out of the trip.  This is important and it goes all the way back to what we learned in grade school.  "Do what your friends like to do also".  Otherwise - don't be a greedy time hog.  More than likely, you all will be on the same page, but always take into consideration what others want to do, not just yourself.  My two things are beach, and shopping.  As long as we get in a little big sun bathing, and window shopping I am one happy camper!  

3.  To fly or drive?  It is best not to assume that everyone can afford airfare, so keep driving an option.  Also, how far is the destination from home?  Regardless, a great option for everyone is to fly through United Military Travel.  Your husband can apply for a military travel loan, and with his approval purchase your plane ticket and/or car rental, then pay it back overtime.  To take it a step further, the travel loan could cover the hotel too.  When your spouse finds out how much approval they have, you then can decide how to use it.  United Military Travel's travel loans allow the Military member to fly their dependents or whomever, but they will be the ones paying it back.  

4.  Even if your spouse is deployed, you can still utilize United Military Travel's services by having them call in or apply for credit online here.   

5.  Check the local calendar for special events and/or festivals going on in the area.  That may influence when you want to go.  I love traveling to places during farmers market season.  You can hit the market in the morning for a quick breakfast of homemade bread with a side of fruit, and knock out the shopping.  It also is nice to always support your locals :) 

United Military Travel specializes in planning and booking trips for Active Duty US Military Members, Retired US Military Members, Government Personnel, or Federal Employees. We finance 100% of our travel loans with no down payment required! Need to take an emergency trip? Stressed out about paying for your expensive honeymoon? Do you want to take a trip on your Military Leave? No matter what the situation, United Military Travel can help with one of our Easy Military Travel Loans! Our travel account consultants will book your flight, reserve your hotel, and finance all of your trip with low monthly payments! United Military Travel can get almost everyone approved; simply based on your employment with the government! We can also extend our travel financing services to your military dependant or friends! We not only book your ticket, we also offer an array of travel financing services such as: hotel reservations loans, car rental reservation financing, resort accommodations, military cruise financing and booking services, military travel discounts, travel accessories, passport/visa services, and much more!


Apply here for your travel credit!

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Allie xoxo